Mass Mailing

Made Simple!

Easy, fast and effective mail merging tool at an affordable cost. 
TRY NOW for FREE! No Credit Card required.

Track every email

Track your emails with My Mail Merge.

Keep a close eye on your email campaigns. Get detailed analytics for each and every email you send with My Mail Merge. Stay ahead of the curve by using the comprehensive tracking features to plan and optimize your future campaigns

No Third party tool

Send and track email campaigns right from Google sheets.

My Mail Merge allows you to easily send and track email campaigns right from Google sheets, eliminating the need for any third-party tools. Simply use your Gmail account to access this powerful feature and streamline your email marketing efforts.


Personalize each email by adding the recipient's First Name in Google Sheets and directly sending it to their inbox.

Custom Templates

Eliminate the need for repetitive manual copy-pasting, save and reuse email drafts for future campaigns.

Analytic Reports

Instant analytical data for your email campaigns, including delivery, open, and click rates.

Custom Attachments

Send custom attachments/hyperlinks to individual recipients and add them as cc/bcc for convenient email campaigning.

Surpass Limits

Maximize your email capacity to 1500 per day with our budget-friendly paid plan, surpassing Google's limits.

Instant & Reliable

Sign up instantly with no credit card and lengthy process, start immediately using My Mail Merge.

Fast and secure

Use Google's secure Mail Servers

Send email campaigns using Google’s secure mail servers, eliminating the need for any third-party tools or SMTP integration. No fear of losing data or privacy as your data will be secured by Google’s policies.

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